Monday, October 24, 2011

Wishing I Had Some More Thinspo / I Need A New Ana Buddy

     Let me begin this post by saying that I love you all so much.  I really needed the support now.  I started the points diet thingy today with TinyRose.  I'll post up the info here, now, I guess.

+2 drinking 8 glasses of water
+5 eating only calorie limit
+10 eating under calorie limit
-1 point for every extra 100 calories you consume
-10 binge/purge

+1 10 minutes of stretching
+1 50 crunches, 50 squats, 100 Jumping Jacks, ext.
+2 30 min cardio
+4 1 hour of exercise (dance, yoga, ext.)

Extra Points
+1 getting 6-9 hours of sleep
+1 taking a vitamin (1 per day)

So far today, i am atttt... 21 points! Whoo! Good, roight? Haha. Okay, so, I want some other people to be out there doing this diet.  Tell me if you're interested :3 then I can post your stats on here, or I can link to your blogs too. Just let me know, girlies.

      In other words, my cell phone plan is AT&T, I have unlimited texting... and I need a new ana buddy. The first one i got has like, five, and she constantly ignores my texts or doesn't text me.  So if anyone out wants to be my ana buddy, please let me know! Dx I'll message you my number or whatever you'd like.  I don't work, and I'm not in college yet, so I'm ALWAYS available. Please message me or comment if you can x..x

     Oh, yeah, and as for the first part of my post title, I NEED NEW THINSPO! If anyone can email me a load of thinspo to save on my computer, or even just message me a few links for pictures or whatever, PLEASE help me!  Okay, not much else to say.. Sssooo..

Question: What are your favorite types of thinspo?

My Answer: I really like thinspo of thigh gaps, skinny arms and wrists, small waists, ribs and collarbones showing, and I LOVE thinspo with pale skin or long hair. LOVE IT!!!

Thank you everyone for all of the support. Stay strong lovelies <3


  1. Thanks for posting this and congrats on your points!! Sorry I don't keep thinspo on my computer or I'd help you out.
    I love thigh gaps, collarbones, and tiny wrists.
    Oh, and you can always message me if you want. I have unlimited texting too and am usually always availible... :P

  2. As for the question, my most favorite thinspo is just any thinspo with collar bones.
    And as for the ana buddy, unfortunately I'm not in the US right now (and won't be for the next couple of months), but I'd like to be here for you ... via email maybe? :) If you wish, just email me:

    ~ Meg

  3. I love the new look by the way..I think i am a bit late on that comment sorry. So I think i am going to take your point thing and work something you of me in a spread sheet if thats ok. maybe i can stay on track better.

  4. You're not late at all, Linny <33 don't worry about it! and yeah, sure, you can take it, I guess :3 I borrowed it from TinyRose, so you might want to ask her. she asked for people to join her, but I really don't think she'll mind.

    But thank you <3 I didn't work too hard on it, but I've never changed the layout, so it took me a while. But it worked! I'm so glad x3 I actually want to make my own points diet and have a lot of people help to keep me motivated! We'll see though, I guess :3 !! Thank you all for the wonderful comments! I think I'm going to post some pictures of myself tonight, too, so look forward to that post!

  5. Oh and PS forgot to answer your question of the day...
    My fav thinspo is before and after pics and pics that show bones and legs long thin 19 inch or smaller thighs.

  6. Hey Kitty, I noticed you keep asking for thinspo, so I thought I'd mention something I found. There is this thing called corseting, and women get extremely small waists from this. There is a woman who actually has a 15" waist around, no that's not a typo.

  7. Thank you Disaster!!! X333 I'll look it up now!
