Thursday, October 27, 2011

New Blog Name Ideas / Paranormal Activity 3 / Doctor's Visit

     Let's start off this, rather short, blog post by saying that I am listening to your blog name ideas :3 and listen.  Just cause you haven't been following me for long, doesn't mean you can't give me ideas for a new name!

     Here's a few random names (I'm sorry! I only have the names right now, I'm just gonna list them and such.).

Purrfect Kitty
Meow: Kitty Will Be Perfect Now
The Special Kitty
One Kitty Life

     And here's my opinion.  I like the Purrfect kitty thing x3 it's cute. Its adorable. 
     The "Meow: Kitty will be perfect now" I really wish I could make it sound more poetic.
     I don't really like "the special kitty", but I like the thing about cats having nine lives.  I think kittys should have ten.

     And yes, I know that "kitty", plural, should be spelled "kitties", but I think "kittys" is more to my.. word.  I think we are all kittys.

     Whoa. Revelation.

     EDIT: Do not send my new blog names. I have an idea. Just gonna derp around with it for a while.

     On to Paranormal Activity 3! I get to go see it tomorrow! I'm so excited.  I love PA one and two.

     Saving the best for last.  I went to the doctor today for my first Yearly.  It wasn't that bad.  Okay, moving on.

     You all know that I am overweight still.  Well, the doctor brought it up. He told me that everything down there seemed fine, but that my weight was unhealthy. ....Like I don't know that. Great. Now even my doctor judges me.  After he said to "start thinking about exercising and eating right".. Well.. I broke down on the way home.  I want to lose this damn weight.. I always feel horrible.  I hate being in public.  I hate being alone.  I've constantly been cutting lately.. and I don't consider myself a self-harmer.  But I do this thing I call "scratching".  I scratch a small line on the back on my hand, about three lines, until I break skin and I keep scratching until it bleeds.  It feels amazing.. No one suspects a thing.  Then, I found this very sharp knife in our kitchen.  I accidentally cut myself.  ..Figured I should save the knife in my room, and I have a few little scratches on my wrists now.  Nothing too much.

     Time for the question of the day, because I'm curious as to how much larger than my followers I am..

Question: How much do you weigh, currently, in pounds?

My Answer: I'm disgusting to say that I weigh 280 pounds.  Do you know what that means? It means I've gained 11 pounds in a few days.  A little over a week? I'm not sure.  I'm disgusting and fat and worthless..

Stay Strong, Kittys. xoxo


  1. Hello dear :)

    First off, i just wanted to stay that I've just started following your blog. I've got a lot to catch up on! :) Purrfect kitty is definitwly adorable. I like that one. But if you have an idea yourself I'd love to hear it! Also, I really want to urge you to stop the self harm. It's just a long and nasty road and it prevents so much progress so quickly. It takes a very hurt person to hurt themself. I know it is one of the best quick fixes but quick fixes are just that. They fix quick but wear off/out quick as well. Alright, I'll stop lecturing now. ;)

    P.S. I'm 6'0" and weigh 142 pounds - Don't compare yourself to others though. This is about and for YOU. That's all. You set your own goals and make your own progress. That's all that matters.

  2. I'm 5'6 and weigh 132 pounds (but I am not sure, last weighting - 1.10.2011). I'll know today (I'm buing the scale at last).

  3. Awwww baby girl don't be cutting yourself you'll just have scars with your thinness. I know how you feel starting off heavy sucks but we can do it xoxoxoxo. Purrfect Kitty is cute as a button. I am here for you if you need me.

    <3 Josie

  4. YAY you liked my name idea!! Anyways, sweetie stop hurting yourself. None of us want anything bad to happen to you!! 145 pounds. But your won goals and progress shouldnt be based on others. Do this for you. <3

  5. I love the idea of renaming your blog but do to my dry shitty sense of humor all I keep coming up with is that line from south park" no kitty that is my pot pie" sorry I know no help from me. Your weight loss will happen you seem very strong and full of will power just remember exercise is the fast way to see results!!!
    To answer your question as of this morning due to a 2 lbs weight gain this week I am at 143.2 at 5 ft 8 in.

  6. 138.6lbs and I am between 5'5 and 5'6 but I haven't weighed myself in a bit. Depressing when I was 127.6lbs just over 1-2 weeks ago.
    It doesn't matter what you weigh though. Your weight doesn't define you or your eating disorder.

    I never could get into Paranormal. No idea why, it just never interested me. x
