Monday, February 27, 2012

Very pissed off, so today gets a second post

So that girl's bitchy friend is pissing me off. She messages me on another site and tells me not to look at her myyearbook page and not to view her page and all this other shit. Then DDURRRR she goes to my page and views a bunch of shit r.r

Little does the bitch know that I'm meeting up with her baby daddy this weekend. OH SHIT. I wasn't supposed to say that :3 whoops.

Nah, calm down, I'm committed to my boyfriend.  I'm just good friends with this guy and we got along MUCH better with the bitch friend getting in the way.  So he's coming and staying the night.  He's so nice too, we're texting right now ;D hahaha

So girls, want to comment and give me some bitch outs? ANYONE or ANYTHING that is pissing you off, go ahead and rant about it D:<


  1. Firstly, fuck that stupid fucking bitch. I love rant along posts. Except I don't have anything to rant about... except that i just spent an hour and a half in traffic and my scale told me I'm a muthafucken whale. No fun. Peace Xo

  2. My ex boyfriend slept with me then broke up with me and told me that he never wanted to talk to me again. Oh, and he made me feel like it was my fault for not being "good enough" for him.
    Yeah... I'm kind of mad and so so so so so freaking hurt. Jerk...

  3. I love when people posts rants. They are my absolute favorite :)

    I don't really have anything to rant about right now but god if i did it would be here.
