I'm very depressed right now. Nothing else more to say.
Oh, and FYI girls. If you have a yahoo email account, you can text from it for free. So. Again. Here is my cell phone number. 1-(219)-776-9228. Please text me at any time.
On with life... For those of you that are younger than me, please.... Fall in love with someone you can be with. Even teensy tiny crushes... Make sure they are available, otherwise you will only be hurt in the end. So many issues lately.. And the worst part? Disaster lied to me. He hid it from me. I had a suspicion, and I asked... THEN he told me the truth. Whatever.
So right now, I'm making my plans to go to Keven's. His parents are booking my flight right now. Hopefully, it will help clear my mind. I miss Keven so much.
So.. I'm depressed now. Moving on.
Question: How many times have you fallen in love..? If never, who do you wish you could have loved?
My Answer: Wow.. I looked through it all and... Nine times. I think my love with Keven is as deep as it could ever get. By "falling in love", I define it as you hope you never lose them in your life. I've lost most of the people I fell in love with. I guess it happens.
Stay strong girlies. I'm scared for myself. I have knives in my room. Blades. And salt. I deserve the pain. And worst? I have a shout out.
Disaster..? Fuck you. You've done this time and time again. I'm sick of being used for nothing other than a damn rebound, until you figure out which girl to fuck around with next. FUCK YOU. Hope she's as accepting of you as I was.
I'm sorry you're having such a hard time....I've only fallen in love once. I lost him. But we some how found each other again. I read your other post about wanting to kill yourself and just think of the pain it would cause Keven to lose you. It's not worth it.