Sunday, November 13, 2011

I need a texting buddy... Badly..

     I am disgusting and gross.  I am filthy.  Covered with rolls of disgustingness that should peel off of this body and make me skinny and pretty and perfect.  I've never seen my collarbones or anything.. I feel gross.


     All cards on the table.  Please, don't feel obligated to tell me your name, or your screenname on here.  But all of you, please, save my number.  Text me when you feel weak.  I won't save your number unless you want me to.  Text me whenever and do what you want..

     but... please...... I need a texting buddy.. somebody to keep me on track... someone out there has to be able to text me... someone...

I live in indiana in the united States, and I have AT&T... So please.. text me.

Question: What odd color would you color your hair if you could/had to?

My Answer: Blue.  A perfect, solid, blue.  Disaster really likes blue hair, and i do too, so it's pretty cool. Haha.


  1. oh darling, I would text you but i'm not an ana and I don't know how much help i'd be...anyways, i'd dye my hair bright bubblegum pink! :) stay strong!

  2. you live in indiana? so do i! email me at and we can talk about it more.

  3. i would also really like to have a texting buddy

  4. Hang in there hun it will happen just not right away. Crazy hair lets see when Pink first came out I did but strips of pink in my hair I thought it looked really cool. I have also had strips of fire engine red in my hair and love when I get to color my hair dark brown on bottom and the top is light brown and deep purple. That cost me almost $100.00 to do and my grey grows pretty fast so havent had that in awhile.

  5. i would text you, because that's an amazing idea but im not from the USA im form mexico
    but it woulb be nice to be in touch

    im a little far from beeing completely ana...

  6. Hey I would love a texting buddy! Hopefully I would be of some help, but Im always there to listen if you need anyone to talk to!!
