Friday, March 9, 2012

I swear, I'm working on the list...

I've just been really obsessed with Neopets and other things in life, lately.  I feel bad about something I did, and so I'm trying to get over it. Whatever.

Not weighing myself until Sunday.  I'm scared, I've been eating more than last week, for sure.

Oh, and the boyfriend warned me that I'm going to hate living with him, because he doesn't like me not-eating.  Can't help it, really.

And good news, one of my close friends, who knows about my problem, admitted to me that she's also been struggling with bulimia for a while.  She wants to be ED buddies.  It makes me happy..



  1. I hope things work out hun <3
    just be obsessed with it for a while, you need something to keep you busy sometimes(:

  2. cant wait to see your list. Hope you feel better!
    xx SN

  3. I hope the buddy thing works for you. The boyfriend thing sucks though. Hope you feel better about whatever it is.
