Monday, March 12, 2012

I am a horrible, forgetting blogger....

FINALLY fucking finished the list, and I can't find it anywhere in my *cough17cough* NOTEBOOKS!

Not to mention I'm royally pissed off about the friend I was TRYING to re-become friends with.  She hasn't made any contact with me since the whole "oh yeah I want to be friends again" bullshit.  So you know what?

If I don't hear from her in 13 days from now, I'm blocking her on Facebook, so I can stop being a god damned loser and stalking her, trying to find out how many boys she's fucked since she lost me.

Oh, and that best friend of hers? She already slept with her boyfriend. What the fuck else is new?

Whatever, she has her damn new friends, boyfriend, and her daughter (Great going mommy, maybe we'll graduate college together!) and all this damn shit.

And you know what? I have friends that are true to me and do me right, and don't have to take a picture a day with me to prove it.

Now, here's an interesting picture I thought you guys would like to see... These are my dogs, Chance and Sadie.  This picture is old as shit, seeing as the brown one, Sadie, grew to be about a foot taller than poor Chancy pants!  Sadie's a bit baby and loves to be pet, and she gives kisses if you hold a chip out of your mouth X3  I just love my dogs and I know people like puppies so.. do enjoy! :3

Oh, before I forgot, to We Will Change: Yes, I am very self conscious.  I absolutely HATE my body and I don't like to be touched or seen by anyone.  I don't wear make up, because it's pointless to me, it doesn't hide anything. Egh.  I hate myself. Literally.  There are so many nights I call my boyfriend, sobbing, because I'm this close to swallowing a bottle of pills and killing myself.  I hate being this fat.

And, of course, dealing with this bitch ex friend is driving me fucking crazy and so close to suicide, I can taste it.  I always have a knife on me, just in case I can't take it anymore.

So.. on to a less depressing subject...

Question: What languages do you know/ are you in the process of learning?

My Answer: I know English mainly, obviously.  I took Spanish I through III and got good grades, then took French I senior year. lol.  Right now I'm learning Japanese on my own.  My mom got me My Japanese Coach and I think Japan and its language and customs are BEAUTIFUL! Anyone here watch anime or read manga? Hit me up.  Buh bye :3


1 comment:

  1. So, I never read this post until now (I just happened to click on your profile because you haven't posted in a while, worried about you!!)
    and I know how you feel... I used to do everything you do. But I've moved on and kinda realized you make your own luck. I go from day to day and try not to think too negatively.
    I speak english as main, but I'm in french 4 and signed up for french 5 next year, planning to study it in college(: I know a few phrases in russian (I can read Cyrillic, just not understand it) and japanese (I recognize 1 kana and no kanji, lmao) as well as know the korean alphabet and understand most basic phrases(:
    But I think we've had conversations about all this x3
    Hope you're doing well!!
