Saturday, December 8, 2012

You Raise Me Up (Back, by the way)

Yeah, I've been gone, but got tons of news for those of you still following my blog :3 I'm so sorry I've been gone, and I'm so thankful for you all. I really am. Thank you to all of you for being there for me.

Well, first off, I got a job! 40 hours a week, exactly, and at $9/hr. That's a LOT of moola, eh?

Boyfriend moved in.. 66 days ago, I think? Maybe 65. He has a counter on his phone that says how many days since he's moved in x3 It's been amazing. He's so cuddly and sweet and loving, and he doesn't like me not-eating, but I've been eating decently and exercising a lot. I haven't really lost anything, though, but I have some inspiration.

I want to BADLY get my hair cut in a scene style. You know, that only skinny girls can pull off? Yeah, I want that. BADLY. And I'm going to dye it burgundy, darkish-red for those of you who don't speak rainbow. Lol.

Been practicing sign language and Japanese, too! I want to get all the hiragana and katakana memorized before I start on words and sentences.

Also, for Christmas, I'm getting a Kindle Fire! My mom asked me if I'd rather have that or a 3DS and I said that, because I can trade in my old DS for some money instead. Lol.

And I'm going to work on my New Year's Resolutions for the next month, so if you guys wanna share yours in the comments, feel free! :3

So, I've rambled enough, I believe :3 Let's do a question, shall we?

QOTD: What is your favorite, CHEAP, "snack" food?

My Answer: I tend to snack a lot between meals, and I want to quit that, along with drinking pop. *sob* My favorite, cheap, healthy snack would have to be cucumber or celery. It's so crisp and watery. I don't need anything to drink with it, either, and it's a lot of water in it too. I normally eat these for meals too :P Today I had a whole cucumber for lunch. YUM!

Love you all, keep commenting and I'm about to go through what posts I've missed, so I'm sorry! D:


(Yes, my real name, not sure if any of you know it, but it is Paige. :3 Thought you deserved to know.)

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