Saturday, September 22, 2012

I am, in fact, very much alive...

.. And very much fat. Two hundred and fucking ninety five pounds.. I'm a disgrace.

I need to start fasting. And fast. (Trollolol)

Well, le boyfriend is moving in in less than eleven days. I'm not allowed to know the official date, but I know when it isn't so that's good.

But I feel like such a bloated, fat, disgusting whale..

I have to lose weight by then. I have to.

What's my best bet, people? What's the best thing to do? Starve and drink water? Eat small portions of a certain food? Tell me anything that will help me, please.

I drink water pretty much nonstop now, so don't worry about that too much. I'm trying to flush out my system after the recent binging incident I had (May have to write about that later.)

I've been obsessed with Minecraft lately. Anyone Ana/Mia out there that plays, please link me to your server. Mine aren't working as of right now, so please.

Oh, my family got a scanner now. So I've been drawing. TIME TO BRING BACK....


Question: What animal/pokemon/neopet/something cuddly would you like me to draw? I'm bored out of my mind and need to draw, since Minecraft isn't working.

My Answer: I'm going to draw me as a Eevee. I love Eevee, such a simple, adorable pokemon, but filled with so many possibilities. It reminds me of myself.

Thank you for the support. I promise I'll be on more often, especially with the boyfriend coming here. I want him to know everything I do, even though he disagrees.


P.S. I've started going by "Kitty" and "Icing" lately, so have fun with that.


  1. I just found your blog, and I thought I'd introduce myself. I too am in your position. Hang in there!

  2. hey sweetie, I'm so glad to hear from you again. I was very worried about you.

    Just, I miss talking to you. And maybe we can be whales together? Gaining is no fun.

    Its good that you are being honest with your boy. That is very important. Hopefully you can still lose a bit even though he believes your perfect as you are. <3 And so do I.
